
【重要】本校學生自治組織暨社團借用本校集會場所注意事項(113.02.17版) / [Notice]Guidelines for NCKU Student Clubs in Venue Reservations (2024.02.17)

  1. 依據「國立成功大學學生自治組織暨社團使用集會場所經費補助作業實施要點」辦理。

These guidelines have been formulated in accordance with National Cheng Kung University Student Autonomous Organizations and Student Clubs Fundings for Campus Venues Implementation Plan.

  1. 行政E化系統的場地申請,學生填完尚須活動組的承辦人「擷取」資料才會顯示申請中。直至場地行事曆顯示「申請通過待繳款」,表示可以使用場地,場地費待活動組核定或場所經費補助會議委員們決議結果再辦理後續事宜。

While using Conference Room/Lecture Room/Guest house Booking System (http://eadm.ncku.edu.tw/welldoc/default.php), please be aware that the application form you filled out would only appear in the system after the staff of S.D.A.D. has accepted. Once your application shows (申請通過待繳費) in the system’s calendar, you have reserved the venue successfully. The fee for the venue will either be handled by S.D.A.D with the funding automatically, or be discussed in the Venue Funding Committee before further arrangements.

  1. 活動計畫書為委員們審查經費補助之參考,請務必上傳活動企劃書以供審查。無夾帶計畫書者,活動組承辦人不擷取場地申請單。

Notice: You MUST have a Proposal of the event submitted with your application. Please use the format in the attachment to write your proposal.

  1. 學生社團辦理之非收費活動,每學期社團補助2萬元場地費以內由活動組自行核定,惟單次場地費超過1萬元以上,需提至場所經費補助委員會審議。

There will be a 20,000NTD funding per semester for each student association to use on venue costs. You could only use this funding for non-charging events.  If the venue fee for your event is over 10,000NTD, the use for this funding will first be discussed in the Venue Funding Committee.

  1. 請了解各場地管理單位規定後借用,並參考「學生自治組織暨社團借用場地標準作業流程」。

Please check relevant regulations before booking venues. Standard Procedure for Venue Reservations



             Refer to the attached file for more details
