請至「通識教育生活實踐積點認證系統」登錄申請。 http://sys.cge.ncku.edu.tw/syscge/
申請前請先至社團E化系統確認參與紀錄並據實填寫職稱(請勿填寫與系統上不同之職稱,並請確認符合組織章程)。 社團幹部職稱說明書
校隊或非學生社團的校內學生團體幹部。 →本系統僅匯入學務處社團E化系統資料,如為大型專案(如華語中心志工、登大人、單車節團隊)請事前以校內志工方式申請。
系統會自動登出。 →為了帳號安全如過久未操作系統會自動登出,建議先在電腦打好內容再複製貼上,以免資料遺失。
1. 申請人於系統【領導社團】選單點取上傳資料,填寫「學習評核表」。
2. 社長/系會長於系統【社長審核】初審給點。
3. 活動組承辦人線上覆審給點。
4. 申請人確認積點取得,向通識中心提出認證。
康樂性社團-林育筠 ruyu0212@ncku.edu.tw
學生會、體能性社團- 鍾明衛 z11112004 @ncku.edu.tw
綜合性社團、社聯會-謝月梅 z10808092@ncku.edu.tw
聯誼性社團、學藝性社團-林芷寧 z10611017@ncku.edu.tw
服務性社團、畢聯會、所學會、服學中心-吳昌振 z9801017@ncku.edu.tw
系學會、系聯會、單車節-林柏茵 z11210013@ncku.edu.tw
Applications for the 2nd semester of the academic year 112 will be accepted from 113/09/09 to 113/11/09. Please plan well for your applications and apply early.
Please log in to the "Learning by Practice Point Certification System" to apply. https://sys.activity-osa.ncku.edu.tw
- Find the "Leadership Club" system menu, then click on” upload information.” Fill out the "Learning Assessment Form."
- The club leader / leader of departmental student association should pass the initial review and give the points through the system “Association Leader Review.”
- The staff of the Student Development and Activities Division will double review and give the points.
- The applicants should confirm that the points have been earned and then submit the certification to the Center for General Education.
※The responsibility of the Student Development and Activities Division is only to give certification points. It is the responsibility of the Center for General Education to authenticate the final certification of credits.
Frequently Asked Questions:
1. Could I apply again if I missed the Application Period?
The application of the accreditation should be before the end of the semester. In terms of the “Learning Assessment Form,” the president must give you points based on your performance. In order to avoid distortion of the review due to the long time,
Supplementary applications will not be accepted according to the implementation rules.
2. Which kinds of positions can apply for certification?
Whether the position is valid or not depends on the articles of the Organization. Project-based positions are based on whether they have an application records for the activity to identify the position project. Starting from the academic year 108, the General Education Center no longer accepts applications for the title of “member.”
3. Can off-campus club cadres or activities experience be applied for the Leadership Club Certification?
According to the certification requirements, the Leadership Club Certification is currently only applicable to on-campus clubs.
4. How do I know which semester is my position?
The semester is based on the school calendar. The first semester is 02/01~07/31 and the second semester is 08/01~01/31. If the project or position to be certified spans the semester, then the certification of the project or position depends on the semester in which its main task is implemented, which requiring at least 3 months in the executive position.
5. Can I be certified for more than two positions in one semester?
Each semester applicants can fill out multiple "study evaluation forms" for different positions and submit them for review, and then choose the best for certification.
According to the implementation rules, in principle, in each semester there is only one certification for one general club that can be accepted. In order to encourage participation in public affairs, in addition to the positions of general clubs, the positions of Student Government Organizations can be certified one more time per semester, but the positions of Student Government Organizations cannot be certified twice per semester.
The Student Government Organizations referred to here is clearly designated as the Student Union, the Student Club Association, the Union of Departmental Student Associations, the Departmental Student Associations, and the Self-Governed Committee of Student Dormitories with the "Organizational Regulations of National Cheng Kung University".
6. Could the position of recent graduate be certified in that semester?
Specific implementation content is required, and the service time is more than 2/3 of the semester (after the graduation ceremony). As graduation credits are involved, it is recommended not to choose this method to obtain points unless necessary. If you still need to apply, please submit it to the nature undertaker so that the case can be opened. Advanced applications of non-graduates will not be accepted.
7. How will I handle my application after it is rejected?
You can check your current stage of the "Learning Assessment Form" through the system. If being rejected by the president or the case officer of the activity group, it will be returned to the applicant; please send it again after modification.
8. The SDAD has passed the application, but the Center of General Education is not certified.
To reiterate that the responsibility of the Student Development and Activities Division is only to give certification points. It is the responsibility of the Center for General Education to authenticate the final certification of credits.